Category: Family Law

How Timing can Impact Your Divorce

Thu 6th August, 2020 Family Law

There are many different issues that must be considered and negotiated during a California divorce, including matters of property distribution, spousal support, and child custody. But couples should also consider the timing of their divorce, which can have a significant impact on their overall settlement when it comes to taxes […]

Can My Child Choose Which Parent to Live With?

Tue 12th May, 2020 Family Law

Decisions about child custody and visitation are often some of the most complex and emotionally fraught choices in a California divorce. Not only do the wishes of the parent matter, but at a certain age the child may have a preference for custody and visitation, as well. In certain circumstances, […]

Strategizing Your California Divorce

Wed 8th April, 2020 Family Law

Once you have made the decision to file for divorce from your spouse in California, it is critical that you have a strategy in place with your attorney for your divorce negotiations and proceedings. Not only does developing a strategy help you prioritize what is most important to you when […]

When is a Prenuptial Agreement Unenforceable?

Sun 12th January, 2020 Family Law

In many marriages, a prenuptial agreement is a great way to establish property interests and settle disputes before they ever arise between a couple. Prenuptial agreements dictate property distribution if the couple ever chooses to divorce and can firm up inheritance rights in blended families. However, in some cases, a […]