Category: Family Law

Strategizing Your California Divorce

Wed 8th April, 2020 Family Law

Once you have made the decision to file for divorce from your spouse in California, it is critical that you have a strategy in place with your attorney for your divorce negotiations and proceedings. Not only does developing a strategy help you prioritize what is most important to you when […]

When is a Prenuptial Agreement Unenforceable?

Sun 12th January, 2020 Family Law

In many marriages, a prenuptial agreement is a great way to establish property interests and settle disputes before they ever arise between a couple. Prenuptial agreements dictate property distribution if the couple ever chooses to divorce and can firm up inheritance rights in blended families. However, in some cases, a […]

The Benefits of Divorce Mediation

Mon 16th December, 2019 Family Law

When most people think about the process of divorce, they picture the traditional litigated divorce in a courtroom. However, one of the fastest-growing options for navigating the divorce process in California is utilizing the alternative dispute resolution technique of divorce mediation. This process can be faster, cheaper, and less acrimonious […]

Who Gets the Pet in a California Divorce?

Thu 15th August, 2019 Family Law

Traditionally, a pet in a divorce case has been considered a piece of personal property, but as of 2019 the law in California regarding pet custody has changed. Starting January 1 of this year, a judge in a divorce case where pet custody is at issue must consider the well-being of the […]

Child Custody and Relocation in California

Thu 11th July, 2019 Family Law

After a divorce, it makes sense that sometimes a parent wishes to move away from the family’s hometown to start fresh. In other situations, a family health problem, job offer, or new relationship may lead one parent to want to relocate. Are parents allowed to move away when a minor […]