Category: Family Law

Factors Considered When Determining Alimony

Tue 1st December, 2020 Family Law

One of the most significant issues in every California divorce is whether to award alimony from the higher earning spouse to the lesser earning spouse during and after divorce proceedings. The determination of alimony can have substantial impact on your overall divorce settlement, and federal tax changes in recent years […]

What is a QDRO?

Tue 24th November, 2020 Family Law

During a California divorce, spouses may divide retirement plans as part of their community property distribution settlement. However, certain types of retirement plans require a special court order in order to access those funds after a divorce. Known as a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO), failure to include this order […]

Collecting California Child Support in Arrears

Tue 3rd November, 2020 Family Law

In divorce cases involving minor children, the noncustodial parent will be ordered by the court to pay child support to the custodial parent for the children’s living expenses. However, in some cases, the noncustodial parent cannot or refuses to pay their fair share of support. This is known as being […]

How Cohabitation Affects Alimony Payments

Tue 3rd November, 2020 Family Law

In many cases of California divorce, the higher earning spouse will pay the lesser earning spouse alimony during and after the divorce proceedings. Some alimony is short-term and has a definite duration, while other alimony payments may go on indefinitely. Former spouses are able to petition the court for a […]

How the Coronavirus Pandemic Impacts Divorces

Fri 30th October, 2020 Family Law

If you have already decided to end your marriage, you likely have questions about how the COVID-19 pandemic will impact aspects of your divorce. The potentially impacted issues can range from things like how you separate from your former spouse to how your child custody is decided. The following will […]