What are Your Miranda Rights?
Anyone who has ever watched Law and Order or any other crime procedural has most likely heard a character read a suspect the Miranda rights. What exactly are your Miranda rights, and when do they apply to you? If you have been arrested or charged with a crime, understanding your legal rights can be critical to the overall success of your criminal case. At the Law Office of Bradley S. Sandler in Los Angeles, we zealously advocate on behalf of our clients accused of wrongdoing and will enforce your rights to the fullest extent of the law. To receive a free consultation of your case, call or contact our office today.
You Have the Right to Remain Silent
One of the most critical elements of your Miranda rights is the right to remain silent. This refers to your Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. You are not obligated to answer police questions if you are brought in for an interrogation nor are you obligated to answer any questions posed by the prosecution.
Anything You Say can be Used Against You
The next element of your Miranda rights is that if you do choose to talk to the police after being arrested and charged with a crime, anything that you do say can be used as evidence in court against you. All conversations with police and prosecutors following the reading of your Miranda rights can be submitted as evidence in court if recorded, or witnesses can be produced to testify about the contents of your statements.
You Have the Right to an Attorney
Most importantly, your Miranda rights inform you of your right to an attorney. If you have been arrested and charged with a criminal offense, you have the absolute right to have an attorney by your side to defend and protect your rights during questioning. If you request a lawyer and that request is ignored, subsequent conversations and testimony may be thrown out by the court. However, you must be unequivocal in your request for a lawyer and contact an experienced criminal attorney as soon as possible after your arrest.
If You Cannot Afford an Attorney, One Will be Provided
One of the last elements of your Miranda rights is to inform you that if you cannot afford an attorney, the state is required to provide you with a public defender to represent your interests. Money should never be a deterrent to justice or quality representation. Our office works with our clients to structure representation and costs in accordance with what they can afford. Talk to our office today to learn more.
Call or Contact Our Office Now
Your Miranda rights are some of the strongest protections against police injustice and failure of the police to inform you of your rights can make a critical difference in your case. If you would like to speak with an expert in California criminal law about your case, call the office or contact us today at the Law Office of Bradley S. Sandler in Los Angeles now to schedule a free evaluation of your legal needs.